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How to Stop Wasting Your Time
Full Digital Detox Protocol
It's time for another dose of my "medication."
It’s 11:35 PM.
When it's time for your dose, you can feel it.
I fidget. I feel my pockets vibrate, looking for the square box.
My phone didn’t vibrate.
No new notifications. I’m irritable as hell.
I know I should be sleeping. But let’s check IG and see if I got any new messages.
Damn, no one hit me up; let’s scroll a lil bit
Nah, this is boring; let’s check out YouTube.
Let’s search “Why The Hadzabe Tribe Loves Eating Baboon Meat In The Summer?”
"Why am I doing this?" a thought popped. I started feeling anxious. I couldn't help but ponder.
Why was I putting myself through all this?
I should go to sleep. I’m tired as hell, and I need to get up at 7 a.m.
But I can’t put this fucking phone down!
It’s now 2:37 a.m.
I’m lying in bed, staring at the ceiling. I should be cuddling with my wife, but I'm staring at this stupid device.
Thanasis Zovoilis | Getty Images
It’s unbelievable. I’m already thinking about picking the phone back up.
As I put my body weight on my legs, I run to the kitchen, turn my phone off, and put it in the drawer.
Finally, I feel some relief I am in control again. I went to bed.
7:16 a.m., my Apple watch alarm wakes me up.
I started feeling anxious.
I couldn't help but wonder why I was putting myself through all this.
Then, as the anxiety turned into panic, I remembered.
I twisted the doorknob and pulled the door open. Stumbling once more, I ran towards the kitchen in my apartment.
I opened the drawer and saw my next dose waiting for me. It was a beautiful, comforting sight. I knew it would all be okay soon. I picked up my phone.
Let’s Address The Elephant in the Room
If you have tried to do a digital detox in the past and failed,
I want you to continue reading.
I will show you how my screen time went from 10.38 hours to 2.46 hours daily.
Three Step Process
You must follow a simple three-step process to do a Digital Detox successfully.
Awareness + Mindfulness + Friction = Freedom & Control.
This guide is going to be different, with no fluff.
No regurgitation. None of the same crap everyone keeps spitting out online.
There are no tricks or hacks to get rid of phone addiction, especially to social media.
The reality is that the best thing you can do is become painfully aware of the problem.
If you are serious about your goals and leveling up in life.
I need you
to watch The Social Delimma
Read the Indistracable by Nir Eyal
The Shallows by Nicholas Carr
Once you know the problem exists, you cannot ignore it; by reading this guide, you practice active awareness and bring an issue you should have fixed long ago to your conscious mind.
Daily, you must ask yourself this one question.
Is my phone pushing me toward my goals or holding me back?
If implemented, This one simple question could save you 6 hours of wasted time a day on your phone.
It’s not rocket science. Just 1-2 minutes of reflecting on your phone usage can put things into perspective.
In Atomic Habits, James Clear discusses using friction to your advantage regarding productivity.
With “bad” habits (any habit you want to break), the goal is to make things difficult. Every step towards starting the habit should have friction associated with it. Since getting started is unpleasant and/or downright annoying, you’re less likely to engage in the habit.
1. Gray scale your phone
How to do it on iPhone:
Display & text size
Color filters
Go back and reduce the white point
Here is a quick video run-through on how to do this
2. Unistall APPS
Uninstall all mobile apps that don’t push you toward your vision and highest self
For It was all my MMORPG games/ PubG, Modern Warfare. YouTube. Facebook, Uber Eats, Netflix, and Amazon Video Apps on my phone.
None of these apps are wrong, but they don't align with the vision I am trying to build right now.
I’m growing my Holistic Life Coaching business to $100k monthly, and having these apps on my phone takes my valuable attention elsewhere.
Yes, I still use Netflix, YouTube, etc.
For example,
Watch Netflix on the Flat screen at night, and set a sleep timer.
Use YouTube on my desktop to avoid falling into doom scrolling in shorts.
UberEATS and Instacart have desktop browsers. So, use that to order versus the phone, so there is no temptation.
Do you have to go to these extremes?
No, But if you are serious about your goals and tired of being mediocre.
You know what you have to do. I don’t need to tell you.
3. Download Opal.so
Opal ( Paid Subscription) is a mobile app that allows you to block apps and websites that distract you. You can set up work blocks and sessions. The app makes it hard to uninstall or disable it during the sessions.
Here’s how to block a website on an iPhone or an iPad:
1. Download the Opal mobile app from the App Store
2. Open the app and log in with your Opal account
3. Choose the websites, apps, or games you’d like to block
4. Set up a schedule for your block list
5. Enjoy more focus and less distraction!
Here is a quick video run-through of the app ( Watch Here).
(Want a 30-Day FREE Trial? click here)
3. Create distance.
This is simple and straightforward if your phone is fucking up your focus and attention.
Desperate time calls for desperate measures.
You work from home, put in the kitchen drawer while you work in the other room.
You are driving the car; put it in your backpack in the back seat.
Leave it in the car for a few hours to go to a coffee shop.
Our mind will always choose the path of least resistance; the more difficult something is, the more we tend to avoid it. Use this to your advantage.
You are less likely to want to scroll away on your phone if it means you have to get up and go through several steps to get it.
If you do decide to get up and check it, it gives you at least 20 -30 seconds to mindfully make a decision that is going to fuck up your focus. I promise if you implement these steps. It won’t be easy, but you will gain control over your attention and focus over time.
That is all, folks! If you found value in this guide.
Please subscribe to the Focus Letter. I share weekly tips on how to gain focus and clarity in a world that wants to keep you distracted.